tony jennings
body armor

Tony Jennings

Team: EJ MotorSports
Number: 53
Sponsor: Body Armor
Hometown: Raymond
Birth year: 1953

Tony Jennings was a Nuclear Operator on Submarines for 21 years. Served on four different submarines and was an instructor at Naval Nuclear Power School and at the S1W and S5G prototypes. While in the Navy he earned a BS in Sociology with a minor in Nuclear Technology from the University of the State of New York through the Navy’s long distance learning program. After the Navy Tony worked as a manager and then Director in Nuclear Operations and Maintenance at the Hanford Nuclear Cleanup site in south central Washington for another 21 years. After that retirement he worked as a consultant in the US and Scotland. Now in full time retirement.

Hobbies include wood working/wood turning, music writing and recording, Sea Kayaking, photography and obviously my latest is Iracing. I started i-racing in June of 2020 as something to do during the COVID crisis while on a one year assignment at Hanford, and really got hooked. I happened upon OBRL in September 2020 and have really enjoyed making friends with all the drivers.

I don’t talk much while driving because of my inability to talk and drive without hitting something, but enjoy the comradery and listening. I am still in discovery phase and have an enormous amount to learn. While I have been to a few NASCAR races I did not understand it or try to, so now I am learning from scratch.