Dwayne McArthur

Team: Last Ditch Racing
Number: #83
Sponsor: Bass Pro Shops / DeWalt 
Hometown: Kitimat B.C , Canada
Birth year: 1980


Dwayne started Iracing in the spring of 2020, as a Member of RGR Motorsports race team. After a very brief time in the Official Racing scene Dwayne Joined the Old Bastards Racing League and has never returned to the public races, and in 2022 Became The Owner of The Old Bastards Racing League. Dwayne really enjoys the competitive spirit of the OBRL, and how willing everyone is is to help others work on their race craft.

He grew up in the small rural town of Kitimat, British Columbia in Canada, where he was fortunate enough to Start Stock Car racing at a very young age. Dw could be found in his teenage years and beyond on a Saturday night or Sunday morning at his local short track- The Terrace Speedway. for the family owned race team  ( M&M Racing / Last Ditch Racing ). Dwayne owes all the seat time on the track to his Dad, Len McArthur who first shared his car and then built a second car to race against each-other, and who let him get behind the wheel of anything motorized that was available.  And of course to his Mom Lorraine who let the boys spend all their time playing with their toys and was the teams largest sponsor and leader of the cheering section in the stands!!

Dwayne’s love of racing and driving has dominated his life as he lives to be behind the wheel of anything.  Currently “Between-Rides” from the real life racing scene , he hopes to dust off one of the old cars in the near future and return to the track, with the help of his Car  owner and crew chief “Lenny Bobby”.

Dwayne has worked in the food and beverage industry  since he was 20 years old with PepsiCo. and his Career has moved around Canada Winnipeg Manitoba is now home to Dwayne and his Family, with stops along the way in Alberta and Saskatchewan and of course home will always be British Columbia.

When not Iracing or Working he’s typically outdoors doing chores , snowmobiling , playing hockey or Baseball ….Or Golfing.  You can certainly find him with a Jack Daniels in his hand sitting around a fire on any random night in Manitoba, if you follow the music and the bright lights from the bonfire…you will find him !  If the lights are on in the garage drop in for a drink !